Official Adoption Map
Welcome to the NPBEA official Adoption Standards Map!
Mouse over any state to see their adoption status. Click on a state to see more information and helpful resources.
Adopted PSEL Blue
Aligned State Standards to PSEL Green
State Developed Standards Yellow
Adopted NELP Standards Red
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Alabama has adopted the Alabama Standards for Instructional Leaders.
Source: Alaska Admin. Code tit. 4, § 04.200

Yes. Arizona has adopted the Professional Administrative Standards (identical to the 2015 PSEL standards).
Arkansas has adopted the Standards for School Administrators in Arkansas (identical to the 2008 ISLLC standards).
Arkansas has also adopted the Professional Standards for Educator Leaders (identical to the 2015 PSEL standards) (Source). The Educator Licensure Rules state that programs must align to the current Arkansas educator competencies. Our 2018 competency revision is an adoption/adaptation of the PSEL and NELP standards.
Administrator-District Level Superintendent P-12 (2018)
Administrator-School Level-Principal P-12 (2018)

California has adopted the California Professional Standards for Education Leaders.

Delaware has adopted the Delaware Administrator Standards (identical to the 2015 PSEL standards).

Georgia has adopted the 2015 Georgia Educational Leadership Standards and PSEL.

Idaho has adopted the Idaho Standards for School Principals (identical to 2015 PSEL standards).

Illinois has adopted the Illinois Professional School Leader Standards (identical to the 2008 ISLLC standards).
Ill. Admin. Code tit. 23, § 29.100

Yes. Indiana has adopted the Indiana Educator Standards for School Leader -Building Level.

Yes. Iowa has adopted the Iowa Standards for School Leaders.
1. Adoption/Adaptation of the PSEL Standards
2. Adoption of the NELP Standard for Leader Preparation Programs & Clinical
3. Locally developed school leadership standards. Here is a link to a model School Administrators of Iowa developed along with the Iowa Department of Education and a representative group of educational leaders from across the state.

Yes. Kansas has adopted the Kansas Licensure Program Standards for Building Level Leadership. Kansas’ Building Leadership and District Leadership program standards were locally created based on the NELP standards. Source
The standards are posted in KSDE’s Regulations and Standards for Kansas Educators and on the KSDE website:
Regulations and Standards, see pages 354-373:

Yes. Louisiana has adopted the Standards for Educational Leaders in Louisiana. Source.
28 La. Admin. Code Pt CXXXVII, 303

Maine has adopted Administrator Candidate Standards.
Code Me. R. tit. 05-071 Ch. 114, § 2

Massachusetts has adopted the Professional Standards for Administrative Leadership.
603 Mass. Code Regs. 7.10

Michigan has adopted the Michigan Standards for the Preparation of School Principals (identical to the 2011 ELCC standards).
On August 10, 2021 our State Board of Education adopted the NELP standards as our preparation standards for Elementary and Secondary K-12 Administrator preparation and Central Office Administrator preparation.

Minnesota has adopted the core leadership competencies for administrative licenses and additional principal competencies.
Minn. R. 3512.0510

Mississippi has adopted the Mississippi Administrator Standards and Indicators.
Mississippi has not "officially" adopted PSEL or NELP. However, all leadership preparation programs are required to align their programs to both sets of standards. Our licensure exam for leadership is the PRAXIS SLLA which is built upon the PSEL standards. Please refer to the section for Ed Leadership review beginning on page 32.

Montana has adopted the Professional Educator Preparation Program Standards for School Principals, Supervisors and Curriculum Directors.
Mont. Admin. R. 10.58.705

Yes. Nebraska has adopted the Nebraska Performance Framework for Principals.
Locally developed standards aligned to PSEL—approved by State Board not in regulation.

Nevada has adopted the School Administrator Instructional Leadership Standards and Indicators.
Nev. Admin. Code 391.572
New Hampshire

New Hampshire has adopted principal skills, competencies and knowledge standards.
NH ADC ED 506.04
New Jersey

New Jersey has adopted the Professional Standards for School Leaders (identical to the 2015 PSEL standards).
N.J. Admin. Code § 6A:9-3.4
New Mexico

New Mexico has adopted state administrator licensure competencies and indicators.
N.M. Admin. Code 6.62.2
New York

New York has adopted the Professional Standards for Educational Leaders (identical to the 2015 PSEL standards).
North Carolina

North Carolina has adopted the North Carolina School Executive Standards.

Ohio has adopted the Ohio Standards for Principals.
Ohio Admin. Code 3301-24-09

Oklahoma has adopted competencies for licensure and certification of administrative personnel.
Okla. Admin. Code 210:20-9-181 through Okla. Admin. Code 210:20-9-189

Oregon has adopted the Educational Leadership for Administrator Licensure Standards. They are also PSEL aligned. Or. Admin. R. 584-018-0205
Rhode Island

Rhode Island has adopted the Standards for Educational Leadership in Rhode Island (identical to the 2008 ISLLC standards).
R.I. Code R. 21-2-49
South Carolina

South Carolina has adopted principal performance standards.
South Dakota

South Dakota has adopted principal performance standards.
S.D. Admin. R. 24:58:01:01

Tennessee has adopted the Tennessee Instructional Leadership Standards. The Tennessee Instructional Leadership Standards (TILS) were state/locally developed in 2013 and revised in 2018 informed by PSEL, specifically by the Equity Standard (#3)

Utah has adopted the Utah Educational Leadership Standards. They are primarily based on the PSEL standards with some Utah revisions.
Utah Admin. Code r. R277-530-6

Washington has adopted state standards for principals and program administrators.
Wash. Admin. Code 181-78A-264
West Virginia

Yes. West Virginia has adopted the Standards for Professional Practice for School Principals.
W. Va. Code R. 126-165-5