NPBEA NELP SPRING 2024 National Recognition Recipients

Congratulations to our NPBEA NELP SPRING 2024 Nationally Recognized Programs!
NPBEA NELP SPA FALL 2024 Nationally Recognized Programs

Congratulations to our NPBEA NELP SPA Fall 2024 Nationally Recognized Programs. The SPA review with National Recognition process involves aligning licensure area program information with national standards from professional associations partnered with CAEP through a service agreement. This review of individual programs within EPPs results in National Recognition of programs upon meeting the SPA Standards. The goal is for EPPs to ensure that candidates enrolled in a program undergoing review can apply content and pedagogical knowledge as demonstrated in outcomes assessments in response to CAEP’s Bylaws. These Bylaws establish that the SPA Standards Committee is responsible for reviewing new or revised standards, policies, and procedures developed by specialized professional associations (SPAs) for reviewing programs that provide licensure in professional specialty area studies. The CAEP Board will be informed of the SPA Standards Committee’s decisions and may seek clarifications on the committee’s actions on SPA standards, which will constitute actions of the board. CAEP Accreditation and SPA National Recognition are separate designations achieved by EPPs through two independent processes; however, decision reports from program-level review through a SPA may be used as partial evidence for CAEP Standard 1 (Initial Licensure) and/or Standard A.1 (Advanced Level).
NPBEA NELP SPA Spring 2023 Nationally Recognized Programs

NPBEA NELP SPA Fall 2023 Nationally Recognized Programs

NPBEA NELP SPA Fall 2022 Nationally Recognized Programs

NPBEA NELP SPA Fall 2021 Nationally Recognized Programs

Specialty Professional Associations: SPA
The PSEL standards are aspirational, career spanning and speak to all leadership levels.These standards best serve practitioners. The three primary stakeholders for the ELCC and the NELP standards are those responsible for preparation program review and approval, accrediting associations, and higher education programs. Within this professional context, there are 17 Specialty Professional Associations, referred to as SPAS. The ELCC/NELP SPA,coordinated through the NPBEA, deals with all educational leadership programs, both building and district.
The SPA or program review is an essential component of the overall accreditation process, which provides evidence that program candidates have a strong foundation of content and pedagogical knowledge in that program area. All EPPs (Educator Preparation Providers) seeking CAEP Accreditation must complete the program review process. Program review is part of the overall accreditation process and occurs prior to the self-study and on-site accreditation visit. EPPs then use the results of program review as evidence to meet applicable CAEP standards. CAEP has a set of requirements for Specialty Professional Association (SPA) reviews.

NELP 2018 standards will be available for use in January 2018. The CAEP Spring 2020 Cycle is the first time programs will be required to use NELP 2018 standards. Educational leadership programs should base their transition to the NELP standards by back-mapping from the date of their next CAEP onsite review. After the January 2018 release of the NELP standards, program must have time to:
- Develop and align 6-8 assessments to the NELP standards
- Build assessment rubrics aligned with the standards components and indicators
- Collect and report two applications of data
Who should create and submit program reports?
All colleges and universities that offer programs for the preparation of superintendents, principals, curriculum directors or supervisors at the master’s degree, post-master’s, specialist, or doctorate levels may participate in the CAEP/ELCC/NELP program review.
- It is the CAEP Coordinator’s responsibility to keep the program’s profile updated in CAEP’s Accreditation Information Management System (AIMS).
When can programs submit reports?
Three years to twelve-months prior to the on-site CAEP accreditation visit, educational leadership programs submit program reports in AIMS, the CAEP on-line review system, for ELCC program review. These reports must be based on the 2011 ELCC Building or District Level Educational Leadership standards. Programs have two opportunities to submit each calendar year.
CAEP’s Annual Calendar of Activities
- ELCC Program Reports Posted in AIMS September 15
- ELCC Program Team Review Period Oct 15 – Nov 15
- ELCC Audit Committee Review Period Nov 15 – Jan 1
- CAEP Technical Edit Period Jan 1 – Feb 1
- National Recognition Reports Posted February 1
- ELCC Program Reports Posted in AIMS March 15
- ELCC Program Team Review Period April 15 – May 15
- ELCC Audit Committee Review Period May 15 – July 1
- CAEP Tech Edit Period July 1 – August 1
- National Recognition Reports Posted August 1
The Program Review Process
ELCC SPA Reviewers must
- Be actively employed in educational leadership field
- Convey clear and concise observations and judgment in writings without personal bias
- Finish reviews on time and submit complete reports to AIMs system
- Participate in at least one review cycle per year
- Work as part of team and contact team member as part of team process
ELCC SPA Review Team must
- Make a program report recommendation to Audit Committee on whether to grant
- Nationally Recognition
- Recognition with Conditions, or
- Not Nationally Recognize

ELCC Audit Team,
Five members appointed by National Policy Board for Educational Administration (NPBEA)
- Review every Program Recognition Report to ensure fair and unbiased team reports
- Make final program report decision based on team recommendation
- Will also review reports that have been flagged by CAEP staff
What do my National Recognition Report Results mean?

Program Reviewer Application Process
The NPBEA encourages educational leadership practitioners and higher education faculty who prepare school and district leaders to become involved and serve as volunteers on ELCC’s educational leadership program review teams. We encourage you to review the attached selection criteria and application process for becoming an ELCC Program Reviewer (see below). For more information on the ELCC Program Review Process please contact Mrs. Joan Auchter at [email protected]
Whom to contact:
- Questions about ELCC Program Report Design: Joan Auchter [email protected] or (703) 832-5981
- Questions about AIMS systems and technical submission problems: [email protected]
- Senior Accreditation Director for CAEP: Banhi Bhattacharya [email protected] or (202) 223-0077