Who should create and submit program reports?
All colleges and universities that offer programs for the preparation of superintendents, principals, curriculum directors or supervisors at the master’s degree, post-master’s, specialist, or doctorate levels may participate in the CAEP/ELCC/NELP program review.

When can programs submit reports?
Three years to twelve-months prior to the on-site CAEP accreditation visit, educational leadership programs submit program reports in AIMS, the CAEP on-line review system, for ELCC program review. These reports must be based on the 2011 ELCC Building or District Level Educational Leadership standards. Programs have two opportunities to submit each calendar year.

CAEP’s Annual Calendar of Activities



Report Guidelines

What are the guidelines for submitting reports?
Guidelines on Submitting a SPA Initial Review Report
Educator preparation providers have widely used outcome assessments aligned to standards developed by specialized professional associations (SPAs) to monitor progress of candidates and evaluate programs. The purpose is to ensure that candidates can apply content and pedagogical knowledge and provide evidence for CAEP Component A.1.2 (Advanced Level Programs). Programs selecting the SPA Program Review with National Recognition may use a maximum of eight key assessments to provide evidence that SPA standards are met. In their entirety, the assessments and data required for submission should demonstrate the candidates have mastered the SPA standards. SPA Program Reports for initial review are due three years prior to the site visit. For instance, if an EPP has its site visit scheduled in fall 2023 the Initial Review Report will be due by fall 2020. SPA review takes place twice every year—one in spring and once in fall. The deadline for submitting the SPA Program Report in spring is March 15 and the deadline for submitting fall reports is September 15 of every year.

Each SPA has specific guidelines for submitting a successful SPA Program Report. Please refer to their instructions provided on the CAEP website. Instructions are provided on both Option A and Option B of preparing SPA reports.

How to Plan for the Initial Review Report Submission:
To submit an Initial Review Report a program will request shells (templates used by programs to submit SPA Program Reports) through CAEP’s Accreditation Information Management System (AIMS) using institutional login information. Instructions on how to request shells are provided on the CAEP website.

Shells may be requested as early as one year before the submission due date and no later than five days before the deadline. Although the templates for Initial Review Reports, Revised Reports, and Response to Conditions Reports appear to be similar, programs need to specify during the request that the shells requested are for initial review. The shells are named accordingly for reviewers to know of their nature.

How to Complete the Program Report Template/Form:

Completing the on-line program report